St. Dionysios Parish is pleased to announce that we have partnered with myEoffering in order to provide you with the convenience of online contribution. MyEoffering has designed a secure, web-based platform in which donors may privately and prayerfully make one-time or recurring donations. Prayerful consideration of giving to God first enables you to witness a powerful sense of stewardship. You can customize your individual method of giving, based on choice and preference – whether it be one-time, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly. You may also choose which contributions you would like to make electronically – Stewardship, Flower Fund, GOYA, JOY/HOPE Ministry, etc.
MyEoffering allows online contributions whereby donors opt to have their financial contributions to the church withdrawn directly from their checking, or savings account, in lieu of bringing cash or paper checks each Sunday. You can also use myEoffering to donate using MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express. MyEoffering allows for the safe transfer of money from your checking account or credit card – no loose cash, no forgotten or misplaced checks, no lost mail. MyEoffering is in full compliance with internet protocols – no checking or credit card numbers are kept in the parish office.
Many people are worried about the security of their financial data, especially with the headlines concerning identity theft. Rest assured that we chose myEoffering in part because of their strict security measures. They have passed all the required tests to be fully compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards. This means that they are using the lastest technologies available to protect against would-be data thieves. They have processed electronic donations for many churches in the United States and we feel comfortable in the security their service provides.
It saves trees by eliminating the need for boxes of envelopes and checks. Points are earned on credit cards like any other purchase. A record of past donations is kept for future reference. Preferences can be changed at any time. MyEoffering helps donors to practice good stewardship – to make a planned gift to the parish.
Signing up is as simple as going to our parish website and clicking on the “Donate Now” button. You’ll register an account and within minutes you will be giving your first online doantion. If any part of this process seems confusing, please contact Jane Manis in the church office at 913-341-7373; and she will assist you in setting up your desired pattern of donations.
A few points of clarification concerning the online portal and steps involved in establishing your online donations:
No. Electronic giving through myEoffering is simply being offered as an alternative to using a weekly envelope. Those who elect to contribute through the myEoffering program will no longer receive packets of envelopes. Those who do not wish to participate in myEoffering program will continue to receive their donation envelopes.
Once you select “How often do you want to give?” you can enter “How many offerings do you want to schedule?” Make sure to uncheck the box marked “Schedule offering indefinitely” - this insures that you sign up for a finite period of time.
If your Donation Frequency is weekly and the Number of offerings is 100 – then your online donations will stop after the 100thweek (just shy of two years).
Once you’ve exhaused the entered “Number of offerings”, you can choose to receive an email reminder that will ask you to log into your account and reset the Number of offerings to continue your online giving.
Just as you receive separate envelopes for various collections (eg. Easter, Flowers, Christmas, etc.) online giving can also accommodate these various offerings – but each one requries a separate authorization. Thus, to make a regular Sunday offering on a weekly basis, a Pascha flower donation annually, and a Memorial Donation will require three separate authorizations.
Before your account is debited or your card is charged, you will receive an email reminding you of an upcoming withdrawl/charge. Once the donation has been received, you’ll get an email confirmation.
Thank you for your consideration of this process. MyEoffering, hopefully, will become an atrractive and convenient alternative for you as a member of St. Dionysios Greek
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Fourth Saturday of Lent
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